
A flexible cancel for any reason service

Add cancellation flexibility and increase your conversion rate, revenues and customer satisfaction

Find out more

FlexIt is easy

1 The booking is canceled

Customers cancel their booking through your website or customer service

2 We get notified

You inform Pattern of the cancellation via our APIs
 or customer service

3 Your customers get paid

Refunds can be paid out 
by Pattern or by you

Make it refundable

Make any booking flexible and increase consumer confidence

Boost revenues

Increase revenues due to higher conversions and commissions 
from policy sales


Customize offers to increase adoption and satisfaction

Why choose FlexIt?

All booking and registration types are covered

Accommodations, transportation, events, camps, recreational activities and more

Offered by you, to your customers

Uniquely catering to your customers, anywhere in your purchase path, following your brand guidelines, this product is fully customizable to your needs and your customers’

Completely automated 
and seamless

There is zero involvement required from you. FlexIt doesn’t require any claim or proof of loss


Distributors of FlexIt benefit from a boost in revenues from commissions paid on the sale of FlexIt, in addition to an increase in booking revenue as a direct result of higher booking confidence.

Cancellation for any reason of essentially any purchase of a ticket or paid for reservation.

Pattern specializes in embedding consumer protections in the purchase path of booking and registration businesses. Through years of protecting bookings and supporting consumer cancellations for various reasons, we gained the expertise needed to created this service and signed world-class partners who provide the financial backing for it.

Once cancellation is confirmed, claims are typically paid via the original form of payment as a refund.

CFAR is an insurance product that is sold as an add-on to traditional Travel Insurance and is unavailable in many regions of the world, and doesn’t apply on all types of purchases. FlexIt is a standalone service that is highly customizable and covers any booking or registration purchase.

Embedding FlexIt is extremely straight forward and easy. Most organizations can complete the API calls within hours.

The price of the cancellation policy will typically be in the range of 10-20% of the price of the non-refundable booking. The exact amount may depend on a number of configurable parameters such as the rate of refund and the cancellation period. The service is extremely flexible and we will work with you to create the best offering for your business and your customers.

Try it now